SSC, HSC, HSC (BM) ছাত্র-ছাত্রদের কতগুলো খুবই গুরুত্ব পূর্ণ Paragraphs part -3

The National Memorial

National Martyrs' Memorial is one of the greatest monuments in the history of Bangladesh. It is located at Savar, about 35 km north-west of Dhaka, symbolizes the velour and sacrifice of the martyrs who laid down their lives for the liberation of Bangladesh. It was designed by Syed Mainul Hossain. Plans for the monument were initiated right after the independence, in 1972. The main structure and the artificial lake and other facilities were completed in 1982. The monument is composed of 7 isosceles triangular pyramid shaped structures, with the middle one being the tallest. The highest point of the monument is 150 feet. There is an artificial lake, and several mass graves in front of the main monument. The architect has used concrete for the monument while all the other structures and pavements of the complex are made of red bricks. It symbolizes that it is built with concrete but made of blood. Once one enters the complex through the main gate he or she can see the monument axially but to reach it one has to walk through different ups and downs of pavements and cross an artificial lake by a bridge-all these represent the struggle for independence. The most moving sight of the complex is the several graves of the martyred freedom fighters: close to the tower.

Dowry System

Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her husband when they get married .Now a days the system of giving and taking dowry in marriage is more prevalent in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh this is seen to be major problem. In the Bangladeshi society this system is treated as a serious problem. Wife is inhumanly tortured and killed by her husband for dowry. Most of the parents are poor. They cannot keep up their word they give before marrying off their daughters. This leads to chaos and hellish unhappiness. However, the first thing to be done to stop this malpractice is to grow awareness among all. Movement against dowry system should declare right now. We cannot get ride of this social vice by taking social reformative works urgently.

Tree plantation

Tree plantation means the process of planting trees. Now a day, it has become a social movement in our country. Trees are a great boon to us. They are related with our life and well-being. The boons and benefits derived from them are too many to count. Trees provide us shelter, food, fruits, firewood, timber and oxygen. We get vitamins from fruits. They prevent soil erosion, air pollution and floods. They also effectively prevent the spread of the desert and landslides. They are essential to maintain ecological balance and preservation of fauna. We all should plant and grow more and more trees and protect them. Social forestry should be taken on a large scale and trees should be grown all around where in space. Trees add to the beauty and quality of our life and living. We have to plant trees in every bare space of land, the sea beaches, the low-lying areas, the road sides should be brought under deforestation. We cannot think our existence without trees. People should grow more and more trees to improve our adverse situation. The result of tree plantation will be positive for human being in every sphere of life.

The International Mother Language Day

The international mother language day is a day, which is observed internally. It is related to the mother language of the world. As a result of the proposition of Bangladesh government, the day was recognized by UNESCO. From then the day came into existence. People generally pass the day by way of attending the seminar on the day. They paid a wreath in the Shaheed Minar. At that time everybody is barefooted. They go there with a procession. People who takes part in the procession are singing a chorus "Amar Bhiar Rokte Ranghano Ekushey February, Ami ki Bhulite pari". The day has a great significance for us because on that day of 1952, our Golden sons laid down their valuable lives for the recognition of our mother tongue. As a Bengali, I am proud of the day as the day got recognition internationally and it is now 
 all over the world.

Load Shedding

Load shedding has become a very common affair in our daily life these days. The people living in the areas supplied with electricity are quite familiar with the term load shedding. In the modern world electricity plays a very important role in regulating our life. Any interruption in the supply of this vital item of energy can put the whole system out of order and simultaneously can paralyze our daily activities. In our country there is hardly any area which is not affected by load shedding. Load shedding means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. Load shedding occurs when generation of power is less than the demand and when we distribute electricity wrongly. It creates many problems of far-reaching consequences in the economic and social development of the country. Most of the mills and factories become idle and for this reason industrial production declines and workers are retrenched. Social works and activities cannot go in order. Students cannot study properly because of the failure of electricity. During load shedding they are to study in dim candlelight. The housewife gropes in the darkness in the kitchen. The shops are to close down before the closing time. Spectators in the cinema hall spend hours in stuffy suffocation for load shedding. All types of productions stop and the entire life comes to a standstill during the period of load shedding. So, proper steps should be taken to stop load shedding. By establishing more power plants, power houses and by stopping unplanned distribution of electricity, illegal connection and reducing system loss, we can solve this problem.

A Book Fair

A book fair is the exhibition of different types of educational items for the consumers and buyers. It is held to make the products widely popular and it is usually arranged on the important days of a year. It is very much popular with the readers, men of letters and the authors. People from different sections mainly literate people take interest in a book fair. Young boys and girls gather here to find out their favorite books. The largest book fair in our country is held in February in the Bangla Academy premises. It increases the reader’s interest on reading books and widens the sphere of our knowledge. Bangla Academy arranges the fair and different publications make stalls to advertise their perspective books. Different types of books like story books, novels, books on various dramas, books on poems, autobiographical books, books on science and technology, books on raising social awareness, etc. are usually available in a book fair. Many publishers, poets, and writers visit here and their fans gather there for getting autographs. Besides selling and buying books, different cultural functions are also held in a book fair. Even some stalls are found to sell snacks, cigarettes and trifling items of daily necessities. Indeed, a book fair reminds us that the books are our best friends and companions.
(Md. Bani Amin) 

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