SSC, HSC, HSC (BM) ২০১৫ ইং পরীক্ষার্থী ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের জন্য কতগুলো গুরুত্ব পূর্ণ Paragraphs part -2

A Train Journey

A journey is pleasant to all. A journey by train is especially very pleasant and enjoyable to me. A few days ago I made a journey by train from Dhaka to Chittagong. During the last vacation one of my friends requested me to attend his sister’s marriage ceremony at Chittagong. So I got a chance to make a journey by train. I accepted this invitation gladly. Two other friends joined with me. On the fixed day we reached Kamalapur Railway Station at 07:00 A.M. The station was very crowded. Somehow we managed to buy our tickets. With great difficulty we got into the train. Fortunately I got my seat beside the window. After a few minutes the guard blew the whistle and the train began to move on. At first the train moved on slowly. There it began to run in full speed. I kept looking outside through the window. The train was passing through the green fields. Dew drops on green grasses were glittering like pearls. Trees and houses seemed to run behind. We saw the farmers working in the field. Cattle were grazing here and there. I enjoyed the scenes with cheerful mind. All these pleased me very much. It was the most pleasant journey in my life.


Self-employment means to create job opportunity for oneself by one’s own effort. Today the most vicious problem that Bangladesh is facing is unemployment problem. As Bangladesh is densely populated the government can not provide the young population with employment opportunity for everyone. This unemployment is a curse. It weakens the body and mind of our young generation. Frustration leads them to drug addiction and various crimes. But we should change our notion of secure and comfort able job in an office or bank because there are more people in our country than jobs. So, educated youth should not depend on the government to provide them with jobs. Self employment is the possible solution to this problem. The youths should not remain idle after completing their studies. They should remember that self help is the best help. They can easily engage themselves in various sectors of self employment. Agricultural farming, poultry raising, fish cultivation, livestock rearing are some of the sectors. The government and different NGOs are working relentlessly for providing the youths with training in various vocational activities. They also provides the youths with loans on easy terms to start these jobs of self employment. So, we ourselves should seek self employment because a self employed man is not unemployed anymore rather he can provide other people with jobs.

Price Hike

Price hike means the rise of price of daily necessaries. Today price hike is a common phenomenon in our economy. The price of essential commodities is increasing by leaps and bounds. The causes of price hike are many. Hoarding is one of the important factors for soaring price level. People hoard the essential commodities with an ill motive and as a result there is break down in the supply. Smuggling and black marketing are also important factors that cause price hike. Essential commodities are always being smuggled across the border. Shortage of supply due to low production also accelerates the price hike of essential goods. Our population is increasing in geometrical progress, while the supply of food increases in arithmetical progress. For this the supply of goods is very scanty in comparison to our demands. However efforts should be made and necessary actions and proper measures should be taken to tackle the situation. Hoarding should be controlled. Smuggling and black-marketing are to be eradicated. Adequate supply of essential commodities is to be ensured. And last of all government should launch programmed to tackle the price hike problem. No individual, community, organization not even the government is capable of solving the problem single handed. So, we all should come forward to fight united against the problem. And public awareness can be raised through newspaper, radio, satellite television, and internet in this regard.


Electronic mail or simply E-mail is very much popular now-a-days for its speedy transmission of information's and cost effectiveness. Hence information provided by a sender is delivered asynchronously to a point where it can be retrieved and processed later on by one or more recipients of the sender's choice. In an E-Mail system, there is a number and the sender keeps on dialing the desired number till he/she is successful. Once it is connected, the PC terminal of the sender sends the message to the PC terminal of the recipient at a very high speed. There is no need of any physical presence of both the sender and the receiver. The sender can enter the message and the receiver can retrieve it whenever he/she is free. The message will remain in PC's memory. The transmission of messages is usually done through landlines (telephones) or satellite communications or through marine cables. E-mail has lot of advantages to its credit. It is cost effective. Very less money is required In comparison to other transmission device. It is time saver. Within very short time messages can be sent. There is no need of presence of either the sender or the receiver. Once the message is entered into PC’s it will remain in the receiver PC's memory. E-mail transmission is very speedy. It is four times faster than FAX and ten Times faster than telex. There is the system of using password which each subscriber can choose to use. Hence E-mail gives security of message.

Environment Pollution

All the ingredients that we have around us are jointly known as environment. Environment pollution implies the contamination of the surroundings. Any abnormal change of environment in chemical, physical and biological characteristics in environment is called environment pollution. Environment is the whole system of our existence. Our environment is becoming polluted everyday for several reasons. Human beings mainly pollute environment. Massive industrialization is an important cause of environment. Smoke from motor vehicles also pollutes environment. Serious environment pollution occurs in big cities because buses, trucks and cars play in the streets everyday and emit smoke. Mills and factories also pollute water. They throw their waste products into rivers and canals. By burning wood and melting pitch for road construction people make more smoke and pollute air. We use pesticide in our crop fields. It also pollutes our environment. Indiscriminate cutting of trees has also turned unbalanced environment. The ecological balance is being lost as a result of environment pollution. If we all desire to live a healthy and tranquillized life, we should make our environment clean and free from pollution. We should be all whole-heartedly in keeping our environment fit for habitation.


Internet is a computerized network of information. It is the greatest invention in the communication system. It is the worldwide network of computer. Its uses and functions are smooth, easy and rapid. A students who knows just the keys of computer, can communicate anywhere he wishes. Internet communication is now the latest communication in the world. A computer and a telephone connection are required to get an Internet connection. There are two types of Internet such as Dial up and Broad Band. Internet has great usefulness. To get appropriate information a person has to communicate in the appropriate address. One can also go to a search engine like Yahoo, Goggle for finding particular page or a piece of information. A search engine is a system through which you can search for information on Web pages containing that information. By using Internet students can go through several books from the libraries without going there. They can seek information regarding admission to different foreign universities. But it is a matter to sorrow that many people of Bangladesh do not have still access to Internet because it is still costly and not easily available.

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