Important Paragraph's for SSC,HSC,HSC (BM) Student's Exam 2015 Part-4.

A Teacher

A teacher is an architect of a nation. He plays an important role in building up an educated nation. He removes the darkness of ignorance from the lot of labor in his act according the need of his audience which is his class. He is able to hold the attention and interest of his students. He is a clear speaker with good, strong pleasing voice which is under his control. He does not sit motionless before his class. He makes lessons interesting to the students. He makes his students confident and proves them clever. Everybody has something valuable inside him. A good teacher discovers the treasure hidden inside of each student. He also wants the students happy and for this he keeps them busy. A good teacher never hankers after money. His only thought is how he could present the nation a good citizen. He feels very happy when he is able to teach his students good lessons and his students make good results. Indeed the life style of a teacher is very simple and he has no pride and zealous inside him. So, he is always respected to all.

                                   Early Rising
a. What is early rising? b. What are the benefits of early rising? c. What does one enjoy in the morning?
Early rising is the habit of getting up from bed in the morning. It is a very good habit. It is essential and good for health. This habit is of special use to a man in various ways. The man who rises early in the morning can take some exercises or a walk in the morning fresh air by the river side or in the open field. The morning air refreshes both body and mind. Then the air is full of oxygen. There is a calm and serene atmosphere every where. One can enjoy the beauty of nature in the early morning. Nature smiles in the morning with colourful flowers and green leaves and the chirping of birds is also heard in the morning. All these make them cheerful and healthy. The beautiful gifts and colourful nature in the morning remind everybody of the Creator. One feels like to pray to God. An early riser has many advantages. He can start his daily work earlier. He had nothing to worry. He is never in a haste. As an early riser has enough time to work, he can earn more and become wealthy. So the habit of early rising is the source of health, wealth and wisdom. An English proverb says. "Early to bed and early to rise. Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise". So everybody should practise early rising.

My First Day at School

The date was 8th January when I was given admission and got admitted in the school in class I. At that time I was six years old and I was going to school with my father in a rickshaw. It took us half an hour to reach the school. I saw many students on the school campus. Some were playing and some were talking to each other. I didn’t know anyone. So I was a little afraid. My mother soon took me to the Headmaster. He asked me a few questions and I answered them intelligently. He was very pleased and he put his hand on my shoulder and praised me very much. Then I was admitted to class 1. The Headmaster was a very nice person. He called a teacher and said to her to take me to the class. The class teacher welcomed me and gave me a seat. All the students in the class were staring at me. I felt a bit nervous to see all the new faces. But soon I became easy. I could make friends with two or three students sitting close to me. After that period the boys of my class made fun of me and pulled my cheeks. I got annoyed but gradually I became quite normal. I even made a few friends and everything became all right. A new place is a new experience. So my first day at school is a new experience in my life. I will remember the day as long as I live.

Our National Flag

A national flag is the pictogram of a country’s sovereignty and its own identity of being an independent nation. The national flag of Bangladesh is our pride. Our heart swells up with joy when we see the flag upholds our country’s entity on the world map. Our glorious national flag was purchased at too great a price at the cost of a sea of blood. Painter Quamrul Hasan is the designer of our national flag. It is rectangular in shape. Its length and width ration are 10:6. The red circular disc with map of Bangladesh symbolises blood of thousands of Bangalees killed by the Pakistanis since 1947. It also represents the rising sun and the sacrifice of our people to achieve independence. The green backdrop stands for vitality, youthfulness and greenery. The background colour also emblematises the greenery of Bangladesh with its vitality and youthfulness. The national flag is hoisted atop the government, semi-government and self-autonomous buildings every day. But it is kept at half-mast on any national or international mourning days. The flag is the source of spirit, hope and inspiration. The flag must be kept at its sublime position at any cost.

Bad Effect of Smoking

There is strong medical evidence that smoking is related to more than two dozen diseases. It has negative effects on nearly every organ of the body and reduces overall health. Smoking is responsible for the cause of preventable death and it has also negative health impacts on people of all ages: unborn babies, infants, children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. Similarly, it leads people to develop health problems like cancer, organ damage, and heart diseases. These diseases limit a person's ability to be normally active. The carbon monoxide produced by passive smoking competes with oxygen for required sites on red blood booths. This reduces the blood's ability to deliver oxygen to the heart and compromises the heart muscle's ability to use oxygen. People who smoke cigarettes seem to have a higher risk of death from heart disease (and possibly stroke), but their risk isn't as great as that of cigarette smokers. Studies also show that smokers get more colds, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia than nonsmokers. And people with certain health conditions become sicker if they smoke; because teens who smoke as a way to manage weight often light up instead of eating, their bodies lack the nutrients they need to grow, develop, and fight off illness properly. Smoking lessens the overall health of smokers. For every premature death caused each year by smoking, there are at least 20 smokers living with a serious smoking-related illness.

Reading Newspaper

The significant of reading newspapers has been observed since the dawn of its history and it cannot be described in words. Generally, Newspaper is historically known for offering a wide collection of information and knowledge sources and it is the most popular medium of taking local, regional, national and international news to the readers. By reading newspaper, the reader can learn the latest happenings in different parts of the home and abroad. The reader also learns about the latest political movements and changes in the government and the international politics and affairs going through the international page. Those who are the regular readers of the international page are very much aware of the geographical and political affairs of the world. A student can also be benefited from a newspaper. There are pages on education from which students can learn many things. By going through the editorial column, the reader can know about the analytic explanation of a thing or a matter. From the business page, he can learn about the economy of our country, business affairs of the country and many other statistical things. Similarly, sports page provides the reader with the latest news of sports and games. Religion and religious analysis are also found in a newspaper. In fact, Newspaper reading can widen the mental horizon of an individual and it develops our ideas, broadens our outlook, enriches our thought, removes our narrowness, and purifies our philosophy.

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