Important Paragraphs for SSC,HSC,HSC (BM) Part- 5.

Mobile Phone

There are a lot of new means of communication which have made our life so simple and easy going. Mobile phone can be seen as the most used present day wonder in this fast growing time. It is a revolutionary step in the field of tele-communication. Mobile phone has completely changed the concept of the telephoning. Now a day the mobile phone is not only a mere phone but it is a lot in itself. It works on a unique networked system which needs no wiring, no fixation and no botheration. The mobile phone was first tested in 1978 and the mobile market in Britain alone had grown at a rapid rate to 8.5 million users by 1997. In Japan it is as high as one mobile phone per ten people. When we think over the advantage of a mobile phone in comparison to the old rigid telephones, we can say that the greatest advantage of the mobile phone is that it can be used anywhere, anytime. It can send a message, store a date. It can be used as computer and a whole world in one's hand. As for the instant information, it has an advantage in life controlled by the information that continues changing by a minute unit of advanced information oriented society. By it, update speed of the whole information has become fast. No doubt, it has changed the whole situation of the world. The mobile phone has become necessity for today's world. But the new generation is misusing it by distorting its uses. Some innocent people are being exploited through it. MMS, video clippings, picture messaging are some of the ways which are being misused. There should be strict legal procedure against such distortion of this cellular age. So it can be said that one cannot deny the change in life with the change of time but when this change is over-exposed it is called pollution. We must balance these two phenomena in order to create a healthy world.

Air Pollution

Air pollution means the ways in which the air is polluted. Air is the most important element of human environment. Man cannot live a single moment without air. But we do not think that it is we who pollute this most vital element. Clean air is essential for life. Air is polluted in many ways. For example smoke pollutes air. Man makes fires to cook his food, to make bricks burns refuse, melts pitch for road construction and burns wood. All these things produce heavy smoke and this smoke pollutes air. Another example is that railway engines, power houses, mills and factories use coal and oil. Moreover, buses trucks and cars use petrol and diesel oil. Again all these things create smoke and cause air pollution. Furthermore, the most serious air pollution occurs in big industrials areas where there are many mills and factories. Again serious air pollution also occurs in big cities where there are many buses, trucks and cars playing the street every day. Sometimes men in big industrial area become so sick by inhaling polluted air that they cannot be cured. So, proper measures and steps should be taken to prevent air pollution.

Traffic Jam

Traffic jam is a situation in where vehicles cannot move freely and traffic comes to a standstill. It occur almost all the district towns where a lot of vehicles play every day. Especially it occurs near bus stand, railway crossing, and turn of a road, at the junction of various roads or near a market. It occurs mainly in the morning and afternoon on working days when everyday body tries to attend office in short time or returns home as early as possible. The indiscriminate playing of vehicles like rickshaws, bus, scoters etc. and haphazard parking of vehicles and small shops in the footpaths are the main reason of traffic jam. Traffic jam causes untold sufferings to people. Students cannot reach schools in time. It kills our time and lessons our working hours. It causes great sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying patients and the fire brigade vehicles. The increasing of traffic jam hampers our economy. So, well spacious roads should be constructed. One-way movement of vehicles should be introduced. The driver should be trained in order to cope with the other developed nations. After doing all these things we can hope to have a good traffic system for our easy and comfortable movement.

My Country

The name of our country is Bangladesh which is situated in the south Asia. Its land area is 147570 square kilometres with a large number of populations. It became independence on 16th December 1971 from Pakistan. Dhaka is the capital of this country and most of the people of it use Bangla as their first language and English is used as the official language. The population of this country is about 16 core and most of them are Muslims. The others are Hindus, Christians, Buddhists and Tribes who live here with peace and amity. It is considered as the land of rivers and the Padma, the Meghna and the Jamuna are the biggest rivers where various kinds of fishes are found. The land of this country is very fertile where various kinds of crops and fruits are grown. There are six seasons in Bangladesh and the weather and climate of all seasons are totally different from one another. Based on the season, different kinds of fruits, vegetables and crops are cultivated. There are many historical places which make our country more attractive and increase its beauty. Every year many visitors from different places of the world visit the historical places. They are attracted by the natural beauties of it. Bangladesh is also considered as the gift of nature because of its natural beauties and resources. Therefore, the development of our country is increasing rapidly and we feel proud to be the inhabitance of this country.

A Tea Stall

A tea stall is a small shop where tea is prepared and supplied to the customer. Now a day’s tea is a popular drink all over the world. Bangladesh is a home of tea. The people of Bangladesh are very pond of taking tea. So a tea stall is a common sight at any corner in our country. It is usually seen in cities, towns, railway stations, bus stands, bazaars, any educational institutions, banks, factories, and mills, industries, at launch and steamer gats, at the turning of the road and even seen in the villages. A tea stall opens in the morning and closes at late night. Generally it is a small shop. In a tea stall there are some chairs and tables or benches. A TV set is also seen in a tea stall to attract the customers. Biscuits, cakes, bananas, loaf, cigarettes and betel leaves also sold here. The owner of the shop generally sits behind the cash box. He collects money from the customers and look after the stall. There is often a boy or two boys to prepare and serve tea to the customers. A tea stall is a popular place. So people of different ages and classes come here to take a cup of tea. They take tea and talk with one another. They discuss on various subjects. They also discuss on village politics, national and international politics and on current affairs. So a tea stall is also called a mini-sang sad of the village. But it is usually a noisy, dirty, crowded and disordered place. Indeed a tea stall is an important place of social gathering.

City and Village Life

Man made the city and Allah made the country is an old saying. Village life is really different from city life. Firstly, town life is a life of luxury and plenty where village life is simple. Secondly, town life is a busy, Competitive and noisy life. Buses, trucks, cars and other vehicles always ply on and the industries make sound. On the other hand village life is quiet and peaceful. There is no rush and hurry in the village. Thirdly there are air pollution, water pollution and sound pollution in the city. But the village life is free from all the three kinds of pollution. The air is fresh and clean. Fourthly city life offers greater modern facilities of life. In the city schools, madrashas and colleges offer better standard of education. There are Universities and Medical College in cities. There are scopes for trade, and commerce in cities. So the standard of life in a city is higher than in a village. City life offers scope for employment on the country there is no scope of employment facilities in the village. So we can say that there are many differences between life and village life.
(Admin- Md. Bani Amin)
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